Spring Themed Sensory Bin Ideas

Author: Rebecca O’Callaghan, M.S., OTRL, SWC

What Is A Sensory Bin? 

A sensory bin is a tactile experience in a contained area (such as storage container). Fillers are used to create the sensory experience and can include dry or wet textures. The container should be large enough to allow your child to explore without the filler moving out of the container. Sensory bins can be filled with various play items that enhance play and exploration of the texture. A sensory bin can be easily switched for a unique or new experience every time!

You can create bins that have various themes. Themes can be based on of your child’s favorite interests, season/holiday, or early learning concepts (e.g. colors, letters, numbers, etc.). Also don’t forget bins can have themes that include other important sensory stimuli, like smell and taste! In this handout, you will find ideas for Spring themed sensory bins that include lots of smells and different textures!

Please make sure to supervise your child at all times during sensory bin play to ensure overall safety.

Some sensory bin ideas are food-related and can be eaten during play, while others cannot. When making a food-based bin, it is a good idea not to include any small items in the bin that may end up in your child’s mouth. Instead use other food items in your play! And also make sure the foods you offer are appropriate for your child oral-motor coordination abilities.

How Do I Make A Sensory Bin?

It’s easy! Here are some things you will need:
  1. Container –storage container, dish tub, foil roasting pan, small baking dish, foil pie pan, shallow cardboard box, or shallow Tupperware container
  2. Filler –see below for some Spring-Themed Sensory Bin Texture Ideas
  3. Various Toy Items
  4. Tools for Exploration (or using just your hands is perfectly fine!)
  5. Towels, wipes, and a small bowl filled with water
And lastly, remember that it is perfectly okay to get messy and make a mess when playing with sensory bins. Ask any occupational therapist, if we’re not making a mess then we’re not having fun!

Gooey Grass

Combine a mixture of cornstarch and water (2:1 ratio) to create the "goop". Once the consistency is not too wet and not too dry, add in some grass. Dry grass is ideal to allow it to stick to the goop. Mix the grass into your goop mixture and let your kiddo(s) explore! Some tools can be added in for some extra fun, or you can encourage them to just have fun with their hands.

Frog-Pond Water Play

Fill your container with water, leaves, and flowers to create a natural "pond-like" environment. To create "lily-pads" cut out foam pieces and place in the water. Add in some plastic frogs and let your child explore how the frog can float on the lily-pads in their own personal pond. To add extra fun, you can provide plastic ducks, fish, or turtles.

Birdseed Kitchen

Fill your container with bird seed. Add some cooking supplies such as bowls, spoons, a small pot, etc. Let your child stir, pour and interact with the birdseed. You can also add in some toy birds or artificial bird nests to add to the fun!

Spring Garden

Make some taste-safe "dirt" by mixing 1/2 cup flour and 1/2 cup cornstarch together. Add about 1 cup of water a little at a time. Make sure your mixture is not too wet or goopy. You should be able to form small balls with the mixture. Now add 1-2 cups of ground cacao and mix. Add some insect figures, flowers and flowerpots and let your little one(s) explore! You can let them explore with their hands or add some tools for exploration.

Bug Hunt 

Fill your container with some green crinkle paper, green food-dyed dry rice, or beans. Add some flowers, bugs, or other fun toys around the house. Grab some tools for exploration or just use your hands and let your little one(s) have fun and explore!